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Mental Health and Wellness Services

COUNSELLING services for children, youth and adults.

Our social workers offer individual, couples and family counselling to registered clients of Bridges Community Health Centre, who already see a member of our health team. Common reasons to seek these supports include:

  • Managing emotions

  • Coping with stress

  • Coping with physical and mental illness(es)

  • Life changes and transitions

  • Relationship/family issues

  • Thoughts of self-harm

  • Addictive behaviours

  • Abuse (physical, mental, emotional)

  • Trauma (history of and current)

Counselling services are offered by phone, virtual (video) and in-person at both the Fort Erie and Port Colborne/Wainfleet sites. 
Services are by appointment only. Clients can share their interest in counselling services with a member of the Bridges CHC health team or request an appointment by calling the site they receive health care from. 

*Translation support is available for counselling appointments. 


Please see Bridges CHC monthly newsletter, visit our locations or Facebook page for list of current groups.


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